Balthazar Highboro

Red Mage, Scholar, and Adventurer

About Bal

Name: Balthazar Highboro
Nickname(s): Bal
Age: 30
Race: Elezen
Gender: Male
Eye color: Green
Hair color: Auburn, kept long
Sexuality: Straight
Relationship: Married to Sojja Arda
Occupation: Adventurer (currently attached to the Fury's Gaze Free Company <BRAVE>), Maelstrom Storm Captain (formerly)
Birthplace: Limsa Lominsa
Home: Mist Ward 24, Plot 36 on Zalera
Personality: Bal himself has changed. He's much less devil-may-care than he was, replaced with a more up front way of treating people. He's letting his principles show, rather than hiding behind a mask. He cares deeply for his friends and is incredibly defensive of them, but is less hesitant now to stand up to them if they're going off the rails. He's also known to be supportive and compassionate... even fiercely loyal to the people closest to him.Likes: Ships of various kinds, history, traveling, helping others, joking around, fishing.
Dislikes: Garleans (or anyone who would subjugate and enslave another, for that matter), blatant rudeness, people not doing their jobs correctly.
Combat: Bal, more often than not, fights like you would expect a red mage should. That being said, some of his old training as a scholar sometimes bleeds in, and has been seen using adloquium to shield himself from an attack.Abilities: Knowledge of sailing naval and airships, navigation [see Echo below], ability to use white and black magic as a red mage.Echo - Aeronautics: Bal's Echo allows him an intuitive sense of navigation. Specifically, as he learned much later on, he has a strong connection to wind and aether currents. Many times, it has irked many a navigator on a ship he's with when he wrote off a course for a different one that "felt" safer. To note, it's likely because of his Echo that any wind-based magic he performs isn't filtered through his Red Mage's crystal.


Balthazar Highboro, or just Bal to those he considers friends, is a Limsa Lominsa native. He was born of Wildwood Elezen parents who were both part of the Maelstrom. He never grew up with his father due to his passing on an ill-fated mission, but he did learn of the stories of his compassionate and dutiful ways.Bal followed in his parent's footsteps by joining the Maelstrom. He was a quick learner of the various duties on the ship, but excelled in navigation and piloting. His superiors noted that he was skilled in remembering various maps and charts, even with a brief glance. Many a time, he would infuriate other navigators by correcting them or even setting a different course altogether, but none would dispute his "navigational sixth sense" when it worked time and time again. It's widely rumored that he was blessed by Llymlaen herself in this regard. He also picked up swordplay and small bits of magic from the various crews he served with. Between a solid learning of swordplay, as well as spending a fair amount of time with the Arcanist's guild, Bal became an all-around choice on any ship. Even then, he was more prominently at the helm of any ship he was a part of.After several years of hard work (as well as some heartache along the way), Bal felt it best to end his tenure with the Maelstrom and use his skills to become an adventurer and hone his abilities.It was during the next two years he combined all of his skills and training to become a Red Mage, as well as delving into some of the secrets of Nymean magic. He also learned during this time that his Echo sparked. It began to explain his natural knack of navigation as it was tied to Aether Currents, feeling quicker paths on the wind and giving him a strong, unaided link to wind magic.Currently, he is employed by an Ishgardian-based Free Company run by his friend Foster Arjerm. During this time, he met a Dalmascan elezen named Sojja Arda at a meadery near his home named The Fang and Feather. The two struck up a friendship, sharing his knowledge of Eorzean culture, and she shared her knowledge of Dalmasca. In time, with a bit of a push from a Raen songstress, the two began dating. Both became very close as they dated, so close that they eventually married. Recently, the pair welcomed twins Sypha and Gerard into the world. While both twins have wildly different personalities, it's hard not to see how close the two are.

Out of Character Information

Thanks for stopping by!A first impression of Bal has been described as a dedicated friend with a sense of honor and generosity. It's not far from the truth. That being said, Bal is very "you get what you give." He'll slowly back away from someone with a poor attitude, but show him decency and he'll keep up a conversation without any problems.RP-wise, I'm open to most things. Anyone can run an idea by me involving Bal, and I'll let you know if it'll work for me. I have no problem with combat RP, but I thoroughly enjoy slice of life RP. Anything involving getting him into an open or poly relationship is gonna be a no go... he's monogamous to a fault. He's still open to new friendships, so don't be afraid to ask!Also to keep in mind, OoC doesn't mean IC. There's always a dividing line between me and my character.Bal has multiple tropes associated with him. These include the following:The Good Captain
Sharp-Dressed Man
Neutral Good
The Charmer
Big Brother Mentor
Contactable via Discord at BalHighboro#0019 or in game at Balthazar Highboro on Zalera.

RP Hooks

In The Wind - Every now and then, Bal can be found on the beach. Many times, he can be seen keeping seen practicing a fencing style, or continuing honing his abilities with wind magic... usually a combination of both.Whiskey in the Jar - Sometimes, an overnight journey can't be gotten around. Those nights, when he's in a major city and the airship landings aren't letting airships take off, Bal can be seen in one of the taverns. Whiskey seems to be the drink of choice, and if approached correctly, he'll have no problem talking over a few of them.Best Of You - On multiple occasions, Bal has been known to sit down and just talk to people. Whether it's because of his nature or something else entirely about him, Bal has been known to work with someone to "push" them into a better situation.



Sojja Arda

The Dalmascan woman that stole his heart and eventually married.

Arielle Lalette

Longtime friend and fellow techie. Core member of the Brave Build Team. Constantly grumbles about her knowledge of Blue Magic.